Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Nite Video (Whodini)

I really loved me some Whodini back in the day. When I had my car and I was in high school you can best believe the rap pounding out of the speakers was from a select few rappers and one of them was the group Whodini. These guys were smooth, funky and COOL!! Whodini was made up of three rappers named Jalil, Ecstasy and turntable mixer Grandmaster Dee. Like their lyrics said they were Born and raised in the streets of Brooklyn, there's three of us and we're all good looking. Well, I don't know about the good looking part but they could throw it down. They had a hit list a mile long that included the two big hits of their first self titled album Haunted House of Rock and Magic's Wand. Their second album, Escape was released in 1984 and it kicked butt! Hits from it included Friends, Five Minutes of Funk and Freaks Come Out at Night. If I was riding around town there was a pretty good chance a Whodini song was blasting out of my pioneer stereo system, rattling the windows with the booming bass. But for me, their best album was their third one titled Back in Black. I remember the day I went to the mall to buy that cassette (remember, this is old skool video) and I opened it up and put it in to listen to on the way home. Wow! I had three friends with me and we were all blown away. Every song on that tape was good! No filler songs on that album. It started off with the song Funky Beat which was killer and just built up from there. When that tape ended we were all speechless. We had just heard one of the best rap albums up to that point and to this day I remember all the words to all those songs. Whodini put a couple more albums out after that and they were good but nothing like Escape and Back in Black. Those two albums remain high on my list as best rap albums ever. So what song to feature tonight. I wanted to do about six different ones but I finally chose the calmer, more laid back song One Love from Back in Black. Why? I think its as reverent today as it was back then. We're all looking for that "One Love" and some of us have found it and some of us are still looking. The three guys are all rapping about one's they thought were their One Loves but for one reason or another they weren't. Then they all share some advice on finding yours and how to keep them. Its light hearted, its got a great beat and its Whodini! Also notice in the beginning of the video when the three of them are on the balcony and the New York skyline is behind them. Look beyond the guys and you'll see the twin towers looming in the background. From 1986 and from the group that always kicked butt its One Love from Whodini. Yeah, now that Whodini's inside the joint! Enjoy!

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