Saturday, June 8, 2019


So here I sit. Connected. To the Internet that is. This is a rarity for me I can assure you! We always, or at least I have, assumed that today in 2019 anyone could have Internet these days that wanted it and most do! And wireless at that BUT, that's not the case. Nope. Where I am currently staying is one of those exceptions. No Comcast, no Time Warner. Not one company runs any lines to our house.We have satellite television. Yes, satellite Internet technology has grown leaps and bounds since I first called one of the main companies a few years ago. I think I had such a traumatic shock when the salesperson started quoting me prices that I just flat out refuse to call or answer any of those mailers we get occasionally offering some kind of super deal. I just loaded up on data gigs and use my beloved Pixel XL (1 gen btw) as a hotspot and its all good. Right? Wrong. Where I am I'm lucky to get a signal on the darn cell phone! No, I'm not with any of those pay by month use any tower nearby plans. Although maybe I should be! I won't say WHO it is I'm with but I'll give you a hint. The name of the company starts with a V and they are generally the most expensive of all cell phone carriers. Getting online at my house is almost as chancy as when I was a kid and we had three good channels we could get through Dads rigged up antenna outside that he had mounted on top of a salvaged telephone pole. I can remember also, it the weather conditions were 'just right' which, ironically enough, occurred right after a severe summer thunderstorm and the wind was blowing from the east (maybe it was the west?) we could get some extra channels. Stuff blowing in from the cities. I remember one was from D.C. But mainly, we just had local CBS,PBS and later on the new local network that came on channel 47 out of Salisbury, MD that still exists today. Hey I just realized if I googled when they started I could get a good gauge on how old I was when that happened. Second thought, I'll pass. Might depress me. Anyway, I'm rambling. Which is something I tend to do. Just ask anyone that knows me. They will tell you the same. One co-worker of mine just recently tried to hurl a verbal assault at me the other day and I thought it was the greatest compliment anyone could have paid me! I was trying to explain something to him and he just rips off how if he's ever trapped in a burning building with a limited supply of oxygen left and he saw me coming in to save him he knew he would be toast cause I'd talk up the remaining air before he got out. Brilliant! I remind him about that every now and again and always thank him, one more time! Going off on another direction here, as I said, I'm connected to that glorious thing we have here in 2019 called WiFi at my local Barnes&Noble. But here in this very nice comfortable chair that I'm sitting here typing this I can tell you I myself am not connected. I've packed this laptop up more times then I can remember and left rural land and drove here to the big city which really isn't that big but there's a Walmart, Home Depot, and this B&N I'm currently in. Most people here have internet lets just put it that way. I promise. I'm coming back soon. I've been through some things. If your reading this and you know me you know I have. But you know what? I'm ready to start talking about it, Writing about it. If your reading and you don't know me then I'll let you in. In March 2016, my son Lorenzo passed away. He is forever 21. I don't say he was 21. I promised myself after he passed that I would always refer to him as is. Never was.  Three years and three months into this nightmare I continue to say, Lorenzo is. I haven't added anything to this blog since obviously the last post on here. That particular post, Family Quips, I wrote the night before i got the call that changed my life forever. I woke up early the next day and typed it in. I was attended a rally in Orlando that day with a bunch of friends and co-workers. That was the last day of normalcy of my life. I got that call about Lorenzo about 3:15 in the afternoon. Every parents worse nightmare. A call I never dreamt I might get one day. My two kids are my life! I can't even imagine the thought of losing one! I would lay down my life for either one of them and defend them to the death. Yet, it happened. Something so terrible I wouldn't have even begin to give thought to anything so horrific. But, it happened. I'm ready to share my feelings though. Maybe something I write resonates with someone who has or is going through the same thing. I've been in the deepest and darkest valleys one could be in. But don't that scare you off. I'm still that same guy that will try to make you laugh and loves to write. About a lot of different things. So don't expect all doom and gloom. Outside I'm laughing. Insides a mess. I'll let you see inside every now and then but it will be in doses. Just to survive this has been my first goal. I'm still here. That's HUGE in itself. Its time to get writing and tell some tall tales.

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