Monday, July 29, 2013


It's been awhile since I've added anything to my blog. Nothing since March of this year actually. I'm still here, it's just that my normally active roaming mind has been slowed somewhat here lately. As most people know that know me, I lost my brother in law Gary a few months ago. Gary had been married to my sister Joy for just about as long as I can remember, thirty six years to be exact. They married when Joy was fresh out of high school at the tender age of eighteen. I was a whopping ten years old at the time. I remember Gary being at all the family gatherings and events, he was truly a member of the family. I have many memories of him and I could write for days about them. On March the 15th of this year he succumbed to his illness. I have to say it has been tough for me to accept him being gone. The man I had known for most of my life, the man who rarely got sick, was gone. He's the second family member to past away. The wounds from my Dad's passing are still fresh. Now we have lost another one. It's all caused me to see just how fragile life really is. Tomorrow might not resemble today at all and each day God allows us is a gift. Time truly does keep moving on. Our kids grow up. Brothers and sisters get a little older. Older relatives and friends start passing away. Our life circumstances change. I guess all we can do is keep plugging away. If your a Christian, which Gary and my Dad were, then we have the promise that God will never abandon us and will be with us even until the end of the age's. That blessed promise sustains us with the knowledge that we will be reunited with family members and friends that go on before us. We have our memories of days gone by and that's something that no one can take away from us. I'm still here and maybe I'm just a little more serious about things then I was before. I'm learning to take nothing for granted and tell my family I love them every chance I get. Rest in peace Gary Hill and know that you've left me many wonderful memories. You were a good husband and a great dad. We all miss you and we are comforted by the fact that we will see you again. Love you brother.

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