Friday, July 8, 2011


When do we cross that threshold where we are innocent and trusting and we believe everything anyone tells us? That time when we're young and everything is right in the world and there is no such thing as a bad person who wants to hurt anyone. The time when we are invincible and nothing can hurt or harm us. Life is just starting and we can do anything we want and have a lifetime to decide People don't lie and everyone is someone who can be trusted? Everyone is a friend whether we have meet them or not. That time when we are young growing up and all we know is that world where we live and everything outside of that world is so different then what we know. Our parents are our guardians, always there to protect us. If we have a bad dream in the middle of the night we can always go get in bed with them and we are safe from anything or any monster. Our dad's are the hardest workers in the world and our moms can do anything. When we don't feel good she can make it better just by sitting by our bed and caressing us. The way she wraps us up and puts that pillow under our head is medicine in its self. There is a Santa Claus and magic is real and we will always be a kid and never get older and turn into a grownup. All the people in our grade at school are people we have known forever and will always know and we will be friends forever. Even growing up won't change that. We can go outside and play and we can become that imaginary hero who steps in to save the day. Aunts and Uncles will be there forever and never change. They do things different then our family does things but that's okay. We love them and they love us. All is well with the world and we are full of innocence and nothing will ever change that.

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