Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Nite Video (Til Tuesday)

1985 was a great year. I graduated High School that year. Times were good and we were having fun. We also had great music back then. Great music in every musical category. Rap, rock, pop, dance, whatever it was we had the best. When I started this blog back in 2010 I thought it would be fun to show a video from back in the day and talk about it and tell why I liked it. The very first one appeared in September 2010 and Ive done one every Friday night since. The first one I did was Sure Know Something by Kiss. While you might not like all the songs Ive shown Ive tried to mix it up a little so everyone can relate to at least something on here. And again, its songs Ive listened to and loved over the years. There were also some groups where it would be hard to put them into one distinct category like tonight's group Til Tuesday. Would you classify them as rock? Punk? Pop? So people called them New Wave which I would guess means there's no real category to put them in so lets make one up. However you want to classify them I liked them and their sound. They formed in 1982 and released their debut album titled Voices Carry in 1985 (there's that year again). Aimee Mann was the lead singer and I loved her punk look. The blond spiky hair, the tough girl image, she looked the part. Til Tuesday released three more albums after Voices Carry but none of them equaled the success of their first release. Voices Carry is a strange video because here's tough girl Aimee being controlled by this jerk of a guy when she looks like she could at least hold her own if not take him down completely. She gets her revenge in the end though I guess. Soooo, every now and then expect something out of the ordinary from the distinct music categories and remember, it's all about good music. My head runnth over with good tunes and Friday Nites is just getting started! From 1985 its Til Tuesday and Voices Carry. Enjoy!

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