Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday Night Video (Rick James and Smokey Robinson)

Wow. What a week its been since last Friday night. I met some old friends from Delaware that now live in Ocala. Another good friend from my school days was down. Met some new friends that were friends of the old school friend at Disney for a day of theme parking. It was a busy week to say the least. I spent some time at the beach with the school friend. Treasure Island, on the gulf coast, to be exact. Treasure Island is like stepping back in time to the days when the beach wasn't just hi-rises and condos. TI is all mom and pop places. Mom and pop motels, restaurants and shops. The prices are inexpensive and affordable. The water is clear, the sand on the beach is pure white. It's Paradise really. Which leads me to tonight's video choice. Ebony Eyes, by the late and great Rick James and Smokey Robinson. Like me and my friend, Rick and Smokey are on a beach. Not by their choice, but stranded. Isolated kind of, like we were. Rick and Smokey are thinking of and singing about their girls back home, not really wanting to be there but taken back by the beauty of the island and the beach, like we were. Whats also really neat about this video is it was the beginning of the mini movie video. Many more videos followed this one where there would be some kind of set up before the song. Remember Thriller? I sure you do. Well Rick and Smokey did it first. And better if you were to ask me but hey, Ive always been a big Rick James fan. My favorite part on this video is at the 5:08 mark when Smokey is singing his part and he tells Rick to tell us how he feels and Rick lets loose with his smooth vocals. Now no doubt when Rick and Smokey are singing about brown skin their talking about their girls back home but what if they meant someone tanned brown from that warm, hot Florida sun? My friend and I both were, that's for sure! Ebony Eyes IS one of my all time favorites by another one of my favorite singers. And Smokeys not to bad either. If you wanna skip the mini movie then click on at minute mark 2:35 but if you've never seen it click the beginning and hang in there. Its builds up the song really good. From 1983, Ebony Eyes. Enjoy!

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