Saturday, March 19, 2011


Serendipity is a restaurant that sits on the banks of the Indian River in Oak Orchard, Delaware. Its a artsy place that's full of old lamps and brass statues and antiques. It brings back memories of a time long ago. Its also a place where a bunch of long time friends went when I was up visiting my home state of Delaware a couple weeks ago. Friends that had been friends for a long time. Joel and Tina Wharton. Brendon and Sandy Rash. Amy Dickerson and myself. It was six friends laughing and reminiscing about old times. Old stories were retold. We laughed as hard as the first time we told them. One thing about good friends is you can go quite sometime without seeing each other but when you do it's just like you've never been apart. Old friends are like a old sweater or jacket that you've had for years and even though you don't wear in everyday you know its tucked away safely, there waiting for you. Waiting for you to slip it back on and that old comfortable feeling comes back every time you do. Those kind of friends are hard to come by. Real and true friends who never judge, are always there and are always willing to help out. Friends like that are a true blessings. They are friendships that were formed many years ago that are forged with a unbreakable bond. That bond can survive any test that's thrown at it. We six strengthened that bond that night. My childhood friend Joel. His wife Tina. My good friends from school Brendon, Sandy and Amy. We chose Serendipity but it didn't really matter where we ate. We were together. Friends till the end. I'm comforted by the fact that if I was ever in trouble I could call anyone of those friends for help and they would be there. Same goes for me with them. That's something no amount of money could buy. That's something that is priceless.

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