Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Nite Video! (Alanis Morrissette)

Hey all! Lets jump up to the 90's tonight and talk about one of my favorite female singers from that decade. Alanis Morrissette. Loved her style and music but man! Can you say wacko? This chick has issues! And why? I think its a mix of several different things. Some guy broke her heart and did her wrong. She was Canadian. Was she like the third child of five? And doesn't everyone know at least one person like her? Your always walking on eggshells around them cause you don't know if their mood will be happy, sad, mad, depressed or euphoric. You always approach them very cautiously, never knowing what to expect. Well I guess in Alanis's case it was fortunate that she had a great voice and could really belt out some tunes. She was whack but it translated into some great songs. She released her first album in 1991. Her second one came along in 1992. But in wasn't until she released Jagged little pill that she exploded on the music scene. The first release off of that album was You Oughta Know and Alanis's reputation was born. You knew she had some serious issues she was dealing with as we listened to her rip apart her ex. Most guys were thankful it wasn't US that she was so ticked off at. That album went on to become a huge success and was later on named the most successful album of the 90's. It had a whole string of hits on it but I think my favorite one was Hand in my Pocket. It had lyrics that were almost positive compared to the lyrics on the other songs. I found a great video of it where its just Alanis and a guy playing the acoustic guitar and another guy tapping away on some kind of drum. And it looks like Alanis is in a almost happy mood instead of ready to chew somebody out or mega depressed. So here it is folks. From 1995 its Hand in my Pocket. Enjoy!


  1. Interesting fact: You Oughta Know was written about Alanis' ex Dave Coulier, also known as Uncle Joey on Full House. Weird, huh?

  2. Really? I never knew that or even knew that she and Dave Coulier dated! Thanks for the info!
