Thursday, October 7, 2010

Friday Nite Video (Kutless-Promise of a Lifetime)

Okay, this weeks pick is not really that old. It certainly can't be called old school cause the song is only three years old. But, looking back on when I first heard the song "Promise of a Lifetime" by Kutless, it seems like a very long time ago. Flash back to March 2008. I had just been told some stuff that completely changed my world. Everything that I was and had been up to that point was suddenly gone. Changed forever. Every clique you can imagine came into play. Sucker punched in the gut, the wind gone from my sails, everything turned on its head, you get the idea. I was reeling. I really didn't know if I was coming or going. I was in a tailspin and I was sinking rapidly. Then one day I was driving somewhere in my truck when I started playing with the radio. It stopped on one of the local christian radio stations and there was some talking going on and then this song came on. I really almost had to stop my truck. It was amazing! It was like these guy's were singing this song just for me! The words hit on just what I was feeling and going through. The song talks about whatever this life throws your way can be gotten through with the help of God almighty. There are trials and tribulations to this life but if we ask Christ into our hearts he promises to never leave us. I had done that as a teenager but never had I felt his presence as strong as I did that day when I first heard that song. Yes, my troubles were and still are here. But I know everything will be all right and brighter days are ahead. I think we have to go through some storms to enjoy the "good" weather when it's here. Kutless never did release a video of this song. The one I'm showing is one that someone put together to the song. If you wanna see the band doing some of their other songs put their name in YouTube and check them out. They are a cool band. Anyway, here's my pick for this week, Promise of a Lifetime by Kutless. Enjoy!

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