Thursday, September 9, 2010


If I had to pick the month I dislike the most it would have to be September. For me September is the month of endings. The closer month. As a kid I always dreaded the thought of September because you knew labor day was coming soon after September 1st and that meant the end of summer or more importantly, the end of summer vacation. Remember leaving school on your last day of the school year thinking "Wow, two and a half glorious months of no school"! September was sooo far away you couldn't even think about it. Well no matter what it always arrived. Summer vacation would end. A new school year would start. Classes always got tougher. Work loads got heavier. For most of the month I tried to adjust. Back to a schedule, back to having homework, back to taking orders from some teacher that you really didn't like and everyone laughed at when they were out of earshot or while their back was turned while they wrote on the blackboard. Ah September, the cruelest month of the year. Now as a adult I really don't like it any better. I know summer is on its last leg. Starting to get winded. Starting to loosen it's grip just a little at a time until you go out one morning to leave for work and you think "Brrr, its a little chilly". Even the plants you had so painstakingly taken care over the summer by watering, pruning, fertilizing and tending to are getting tired. Flowers start to fade, leaves losing that dark green color and being replaced with brown withering leafs. If plants could talk they would be saying "I'm so tired, I just want to sleep now. Ive given you beauty and color all summer but I'm just too tired to continue". Trees, the kings and queens of the botanical world, give us one more glimpse of their awe and splendor through their leafs before dropping them to the ground as the trees say goodnight. See ya next year. As the month continues the days start to shorten and your internal clock starts to take notice that something is going on here. Then just as your depression starts to deepen that cursed thing known as daylight savings time happens. Fall back. That's when everything goes haywire. Your body is thrown into absolute turmoil as you try to adjust to the new time patterns. Suddenly we are lethargic all the time. We finish every sentence with a yawn. Our outlooks become grim. Suddenly, we are no longer optimist, we became pessimists almost over night. The kids get cranky. The pets no longer want to play like before. We drive home from work in the dark. We have dinner and think "Gosh, it must be 10:00 o'clock". Then we look and it's only 6:30. Quick, light meals become replaced with heavy carbs and starchy "comfort" foods. Comfort cause that's about the only thing we can derive any comfort from. Stews, casseroles, meats and potatoes replace the foods we just finished enjoying over the summer. It's the end of summer. Winter's right around the corner hiding, awaiting its turn. He can't wait to make us suffer and curse him and his frigidness. That's the sadness of September. Summer is still fresh on our minds but we know we are in the month of endings.

1 comment:

  1. It gives me a whole new look at September.
