Saturday, September 25, 2010

Old sckool video pick of the week (Kiss-Sure Know Something)

Growing up as a kid of the 70s it was hard to not like Kiss. Almost everyone I knew loved them. I certainly did. We could debate for hours about which band member was the best. Gene the demon (my favorite). Ace the spaceman. Peter the cat (which I never really understood, why a cat?). Or lead singer Paul the star. You could join the Kiss army for around 10 bucks a year and become a card carrying member. There were make-up kits you could buy that would transform you into your hero. Anything Kiss related flew off the shelves. It was tough for me though because my mother HATED Kiss and would not allow me to have any of their posters up, I couldn't have any of their records. Well that was like the forbidden fruit. I would sneak magazines into the house about them. I made cassette recordings of their songs from my friends albums. I HAD to have my KISS fix. I still to this day swear Beth was one of the greatest songs ever recorded. My video pick of the week is Sure Know Something from the album Dynasty. Enjoy!

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