Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Nite Video (The System)

It's bad when your considered a one hit wonder band when your really not one. Like the group on here tonight, The System. Who? Exactly! Actually, these guys were pretty popular with the club music scene and they did have a few more releases then your normal one hit wonder band. They formed in 1982 and in 1983 they released their first album. There were several songs from the album that were popular and the one release You Are In My System actually was a radio played R&B hit. Other achievements along the way included appearing in the the 1984 movie Beat Street and singing the song Baptize The Beat. Later that year they did a song for the Beverly Hills Cop movie. The following year they did a song for a Miami Vice episode. Their big one hit was from their fourth album that shared the name of their big hit Don't Disturb This Groove. That song/album came out in 1987 and after the followup album the System shook hands and said goodbye. Check out singer Mic Murphy's big, tall box hair! And what's up with the motel setting for the video? Anyway, it's a great song and its from a group that you could maybe call a one hit and a few proud achievements band. From 1987, it's The System and Don't Disturb This Groove. Enjoy!

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