Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ive now lived in about everything a person can live in. Two trailers (or mobile homes), five different houses and now I'm in a apartment. Ive NOT lived in a car, cardboard box on a street corner or a homeless mission thank the Lord. First, there was they house where I was born and raised in. My parents had lived there since they were married and had raised my two older brothers and my older sister before having me and my younger sister. My parents sold the farm that house sat on and built a new home in 1978 when I was eleven years old. They still live in that house today. I left there in 1989 when I got married. The wife and I rented a trailer from a lady that was our first home. And looking back, it was a real dump. It had no A/C and in the summer it was just plain miserable. It sat in the middle of a few acres the owner owned and I remember when it would rain hard the backyard would flood and we had our own private pond in the back of our "home". It was a standard size trailer. 28 feet wide and about 54 feet long if I remember right. I think our rent was in the upper three hundred range which for a newly married couple was quite a bit of money! We didn't have a lot and we were just starting out but we were in love and we had each other, that was all that mattered. We stayed there a couple years, saved up some money and then we bought our own trailer. It was a 1978 model (this was around 1991 0r 92) but the people that had it had taken very good care of it and compared to the one we were renting it was like the Taj Mahal! The couple that owned it had added vinyl siding. It was much larger and longer. AND it had a large A/C window unit! We were uptown! We moved it to a lot my parents had on their land that had a sewer system and a well. All we had to do was have it moved in and we hooked it up! We payed 7500 dollars for that place and we borrowed most of that from the bank and made monthly payments just like it was a car payment. Life was good in that place. Our bills were small. We started getting established in our jobs and started making and saving a right good amount of money. I often told friends later on that we had it made when we were living in that place and didn't realize it at the time. My son Lorenzo was born while we lived in that trailer in 1994. But we, like most people, had to upgrade to something nicer so we started looking at houses. We found one that we liked so we made a offer, they accepted and we went to the bank to borrow more money, this time a lot bigger amount. We moved into that place in Dec. 1995. It was in Shiloh Farms in Laurel, De. We had made it! We were living the american dream. Two story, two car garage. Four bedroom, two bath. In a subdivision where all the lots were full one acre lots. We were homeowners at last! We entertained, we had large groups of company over at one time. But there was a draw back to all this. We now had a big mortgage. We borrowed to furnish our new home. The electric billed doubled. We could now get cable which we never could before because of the rural locations of our first two places. So we did what all people in that situation does. We worked harder. We worked more hours. "Us time" got shorter. Our daughter Emily came along in 1997 while we were in that home. Sometime round 1999 we started discussing moving away from Delaware and starting out fresh and new somewhere else. Florida was discussed and we decided to put the house on the market and if it sold we would do it. Well the house sold so we packed up and headed south. We chose the town of Clermont by closing our eyes and pointing to it on a map of Florida (that's true). We arraigned ahead of time to rent a house in the Eagle Ridge subdivision in Clermont. So in June of 2000 we left Delaware. We moved and we lived in that home for a year before buying a newly constructed one across the street. That was by far the easiest move we had made up to that point. Just carried our stuff across the street. That home was the longest place we had stayed in. I had said when we bought it and moved in "This is it". We will retire in this place. Well, it wasn't meant to be. In Jan. 09 the ex left with the kids and headed to North Carolina to be closer to some of her family where they still live today. We put our home on the market to sell and I started looking around at places to move too. I was soooo over the sub division lifestyle. We had had some wonderful neighbors and met some great people but that's not me. I want a modest house on two to five acres so I can do what I want, when I want. I'm tired of home owner associations that tell you ya gotta do this and you can't do that. Plus all the neighborhood fighting among the members and the residents. So all that leads to where I am today. I live in a apartment. My first ever. I have to admit, I always thought a apartment would be the last thing I would ever want to live in. BUT, I have to say I rather like it. My place is great! The rent is reasonable. The place I live in is like a mini town. There are shops and restaurants, all within easy walking distance. It's quiet. I'm in a building right across from the huge swimming pool and hot tub. The counties largest library is right behind my building. It's thirteen miles to Disney, where I work. My kids honestly like it here as well because of all the amenities and the shops and stores. It's a great place to be while I recoup from the divorce and I try to get my finances back in order so I can soon start looking for that modest home out in the country here. And when I find it that WILL be my last move! I think.

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