Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Nite Video (TNT)

Hey all. You've heard of glam metal? Those bands where all the guys wore heavy makeup and had the big hair? Of course, you know the ones I'm talking about. There was one after another in the 80's and the music was secondary to the looks in some cases. Tonight's band would be better called glam/sham metal. Who would that be? I'm talking about that Norwegian band TNT. Remember them? Exactly. I first heard these guys back in the old PK video store in Laurel, Delaware. I also happened to work at PK Video for a year or so at nights to supplement me and the ex's income when she decided to wanted to go back to school. Anyway, PK had this promotional video that we were supposed to play on the big TV that they used to show new release movies on. It was a promotional video for several new release movies and albums by various performers. TNT happened to be one of the bands that was on that video and I had to watch and listen to this tape for like a week straight. The TNT song was Everyone's a Star and it was a great song. The lead singer could really belt out the lyrics and the band jammed along. I decided hey, I need to buy this tape, these guys are really good. The album must really rock. I remember I had a hard time finding the tape and had to look several different places before I did. After I finally found a store that carried it and I listened to it I discovered why it was so hard to find. It sucked! Really bad. Everyone's a Star was the first song and it was good but the others were sooooo bad that they cancelled out anything good that I felt for Everyone's a Star. I ended up throwing that piece of garbage in the trash and I wanted to puke whenever I had to listen to the 15 seconds of the song that was on the promotional tape at work. That was back in 1987. Today, 24 years later I can hear the song and laugh. These guys sure fooled me. Listen up and see what you think. Enjoy! (if you can haha)

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