Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Dog Days

I gotta confess, my blogging has been slacking here lately. Why? We're in the dog days of August. Who ever came up with that expression? What kind of dog did they have in mind? Most dogs lay around most of the day anyway if they were implying that it was hot and that's all we wanted to do. Most dogs I've been around do that year round, hot or cold. It's certainly what I've been wanting to do. My routine is get up, go to work, baste and sweat at work, come home and strip, get shower and lay under the ceiling fan. Like a dog would do I guess haha. When it's this hot I find myself not wanting to do much of anything. If I do it's definitely gotta be indoors. The beach is nice but it's gotta be early or late in the evening. In fact, I have plans for this Saturday with Elizabeth to go to Cocoa Beach in the evening and swim in the Atlantic Ocean while the sun sets. We might even take one of those long walks on the beach afterwards that every person in a personal add claims to love. Ive never taken a nighttime swim in the ocean but I'm looking forward to my first! I'll let you all know how that goes. Ive got several good stories in mind, I just gotta get the energy to put them on here. Right now we're in the dog days of summer and it's hot!

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