Thursday, October 6, 2011


It's October. Summer is over and fighting its demise but its a futile effort. The days are getting shorter. Darkness is coming sooner and earlier. Leaves are giving us their last farewell of show and color before they wither away and drop off having fulfilled their obligation for the season. We start to put away those T-shirts and shorts and bring out the pants and sweaters. Hopefully, they still fit and we can squeeze one more season out of them. The warm, balmy nights and sunny days are replaced with chilly evenings and cool fall days. October is a month of transition. We call it fall but anything can happen. A string of warm days when we are teased and reminded of the summer that just ended or a cold snap when we are reminded of what awaits us right around the corner. Our thoughts turn to pumpkins and cornstalks and mums and scarecrows to decorate our yards. If your a football fan your in your glory as both the college and professional seasons are in full stride. The season is early and every fan hopes for a championship for his or her team. Fall festivals abound, every town has one. Our busy lives are a little less hectic. Things start to slow down and we can catch our breath. Kids are back in school, at least back on some kind of schedule. Our jobs slow down and we can finally start to get caught up on the things we have been putting off due to the fast pace of summer and trying to cram all we can into those glorious months when we are all together and we are carefree. The full moon for this month occurs on the 12th. Make sure you go out to look at it and see if it isn't a little bigger and brighter then normal. The fall full moons seem to blaze with a orange glow that makes even the darkest hour of the night seem like dusk. Soon our kids will start to think about costumes and candy and trick or treating. Who will they be this year? We would always decorate the house up for trick or treat night to give those kids that ventured up for candy a good scare and to make them earn that treat. I always tried to carve a few jack o lanterns with my kids around Halloween time when they were young. I was the one who always had to scoop out the "guts". No way would they touch something that gross but I always let them do the cutting and the carving. "Be careful," I would warn. "Don't slice your finger open with that knife" and they never did. Hopefully, they'll remember how and will carve one this year and when they get older they can show their kids how to carve one. Then THEY will have to clean the thing out and they will remember whining to me how gross it is and they'll laugh to themselves and tell their kids not to be so silly. This is what October means to me.

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