Thursday, December 30, 2010

Friday Nite Video (Mariah Carey-Fantasy)

Tonight I thought it would be fun to feature a video from the white persons answer to Whitney Houston (okay, part white, part hispanic, part black) back in the day when Whitney was topping the charts. Whitney was great and I loved her but after Whitney had established herself Mariah Carey came out onto the scene and started stealing some of Whitney's thunder. I thought Mariah had the better voice, a body that would make a grown man cry and just a over all presence about her that flowed out from her. Tonight's video has a little back story to it. During the mid to late 90's myself and the ex had a yearly tradition of attending a Philadelphia Eagles, Washington Redskins football game at the now gone Veterans Stadium. We went with our good friends Wayne and Kathy Jo Johnson from good ole Laurel, Delaware. We always went to the game held in Philly because it was nearly impossible to get tickets in Washington. We would usually leave on Saturday morning, arrive there and check into our hotel, then head out to enjoy our night out on the town. The game was always on Sunday of course and we went to a few of those games feeling pretty bad, depending on what time we got back to the room the night before. Anyway, this one particular year we went we arrived at our hotel and we were quick to get ready to head into the city. We had discovered a fun place the year before called Dave and Busters that was a multi-level building of restaurants, arcade games and different watering holes. We quickly got ready, called a cab to take us into the city and waited for the cabs arrival. Finally the guy show up and we climb in. Wayne up front and me, Kathy Jo and Laura in the back. I'm guessing this guys name should have been Ah man or Ali or something middle eastern because the guy was stone faced and determined to get us to our destination and fast as he could. Us four, being the polite Delawareans we were, attempted to make small talk with the guy, "Do you like driving a cab?" "How long have you been doing this?" "Are the tips good?" Well I guess this guy gets sick of hearing us talk cause the next thing he does is reach down and turns the radio up full blast and guess what song was just starting? Fantasy by Mariah Carey! He certainly offended us when he did that so what did we do? We sang along at the top of our voices, to make sure he could hear us, and danced along to the music. This is when the guy started driving really fast and reckless haha. Every time I would hear that song after that I was taken back to that terror cab ride and how we rocked out with Mariah! Also too when you start watching the video check out the little girl at around the first minute mark. I'm pretty sure that's that girl Sidibe from that movie Precious. Anyway, check it out. From 1995 its Fantasy from Mariah Carey. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Video (Harry Connick Jr-When My Heart Finds Christmas)

Hey ya all!! Happy Christmas Eve! Being it's the big night before it's only appropriate to do a Christmas video! I've known it would be this one from day one. It's from that old crooner Harry Connick Jr. Its also the title song from his 1993 Christmas Album When my Heart Finds Christmas. Gosh, has it really been that long ago? It seems like just yesterday when we bought that Christmas CD. Harry's gotta voice thats about as smooth as silk and the Christmas songs on this CD are sung with heartfelt sincerity. I hope you all enjoy this song from Harry. From 1993, it's When my Heart Finds Christmas. Merry Christmas all and Enjoy!

Christmas Time

Christmas. What is it? For me, Christmas is memories. Christmas's long ago. Christmas's past. Back when my kids were young, running in our bedroom at six am and jumping with joy after discovering that Santa had visited through the night and he had left them presents. Them begging for us to get up THAT moment so they could dive in and open those wonderfully wrapped gifts. Memories back before that when I was that child, sneaking out in the living room at my house at three am while everyone else slept and looking at the presents Santa had left me. Picking up gifts and shaking them and trying to guess what they were. More importantly, I also think back to our Christmas program we always had at our church that my family attended. It was a small church out in the country, not to far away from where we lived. It sat off to the side of the two lane road that you had to travel down to get to it. My family attended that church regularly and every December about a week before Christmas we had our Christmas program. It was always at night. Some years there would be snow on the ground, sometimes not. Either way, it was cold as December usually is. As we all started arriving the old gas furnace would be running at full force warming the old church nicely, shielding us from the cold, blowing night air. Coats were removed and hung in the back. The church was always decorated simply but beautiful. In the front of the church to the right of the pulpit was the Christmas tree that one of the men of the church had cut and brought in. Small twinkling white lights and simple ornaments hung from the tree. There were paper cutouts of angels and stars and snowflakes that the kids from the sunday school classes would cut out and color and hang on the tree. There were handmade crowsfoot wreaths hanging on the stained glass windows and one single candle sitting on the bottom trim of each window. Potted poinsettias were placed at various places around the small church. If you closed your eyes and inhaled fully through your nostrils you could smell Christmas. The tree, the wreaths, the warm gas fired air. Someone would usually stand up after everyone had filed in and taken their seats and welcome us all out to the program. Our choir was always in charge of the program. When I was young I would sit out with the congregation. When I got older I joined the choir and participated in the singing of the carols. The program was almost the same every year. Someone would narrate the story of the birth of the Jesus, pausing between passages as the choir filled in with the traditional Christmas songs. Before the service started the lights would be turned off so that the only light was from the candles around the church. Christmas came to life in that tiny church as the story of the birth of the Christ child was told again. We had heard it before but each time it just got bolder and more meaningful. Jesus, the ultimate gift, sent down from heaven in the form of a baby boy. Born to die so that WE might have life. That's what Christmas means to me. I, like everyone else, gets caught up in the stress of the season when the world is screaming Buy This and Buy That and ya gotta do this and do that or else!!!! But stop and take pause and remember the true meaning of Christmas. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ giving us the greatest gift ever, his life so WE could have life.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Nite Video (LL Cool J-I'm Bad)

Tonight's old school pick is from one of my favorite hip-hop and rap artists, LL Cool J. LL was and is one of the "baddest" rappers around. The initials in his name actually mean Ladies Love Cool James. LL got his start way back in 1985 when he released the single I Need A Beat. His big break came later that year with a appearance in the movie Krush Grove, followed by his first album release titled Radio. That album had the singles Rock the Bells and I Can't live Without My Radio. LL's DJ was Cut Creator, who followed him throughout his musical career. LL rapping, Cut Creator scratching. Those were good times! LL also was responsible for the phase of rap where the artists would brag about how good their rapping and rhyming skills were while "dissing" other rappers about how lame they were. LL could definitely walk the talk. LL also made the kangol hat famous as he always had one on when he performed. I would have had one if I wore hats back then. LL was also famous for his fat gold chain that he always would wear, spurring every rapper out after him wear one plus rings and other jewelry. I remember back in 85 or 86 myself and a bunch of friends went to a Rap concert in Salisbury Maryland that had several acts but the main star was LL himself. He was the last rapper to perform and I remember him out there on that stage to this day. Shirt off, kangol and big gold chain on. He brought the roof down that night as he worked that stage showing off his rap superiority. LL's second album he released was in 1987 and was titled Bigger and Deffer. On that album was the first ever love rap song called I Need Love. Remember talking a few weeks back about all the rock groups doing a love song? Well now we had one of the hardest rappers of that time releasing one. There was also the homage song to his DJ titled Go Cut Creator Go on which his D
J just basically scratched a record into oblivion. But, my favorite song off that album was the very first one, I'm Bad. That's the one, in my opinion, where LL just blew every other rapper out there at that time away. He was bad, he knew it and he wanted YOU to know it. We got the message LL. That's my pick for tonight's old school pick. And please, before you listen, hook the stereo speakers up and make show the bass is turned way up! From 1986, I'm Bad. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Friday Nite Video ( Madonna )

All righty folks. Remember a few weeks back when I asked if any of you remember Friday Night Videos? Well I certainly do. I hope you all do also. I do remember tonight's video being on there and it was a pretty popular song from Madonna called Live to Tell. The song was the title song from the movie At Close Range. A pretty strange movie starring Christopher Walken as the ringleader of a operation that went around stealing farm equipment in the rural town where they lived. His sons were real life brothers Chris and Sean Penn. Sean also happened to be married to Madonna at the time. The movie was actually pretty good with a ending that no one ever suspected and it was based on a true story which supposedly really happened. This video was a big change for Madonna.
Up until this point in her career she had been this rolling, gyrating sexpot that reveled in controversy and shocking her audience. This video showed a "normal" side of Madonna, wearing a plain, everyday dress, singing to the camera, not dancing and stirring up the hormones of all the guys watching. If you have never seen the movie, rent it and check it out. And definitely check out the video! From 1986, its Live to Tell from Madonna. Enjoy!All righty folks. Remember a few weeks back when I asked if any of you remember Friday Night Videos? Well I certainly do. I hope you all do also. I do remember tonight's video being on there and it was a pretty popular song from Madonna called Live to Tell. The song was the title song from the movie At Close Range. A pretty strange movie starring Christopher Walken as the ringleader of a operation that went around stealing farm equipment in the rural town where they lived. His sons were real life brothers Chris and Sean Penn. Sean also happened to be married to Madonna at the time. The movie was actually pretty good with a ending that no one ever suspected and it was based on a true story which supposedly really happened. This video was a big change for Madonna.
Up until this point in her career she had been this rolling, gyrating sexpot that reveled in controversy and shocking her audience. This video showed a "normal" side of Madonna, wearing a plain, everyday dress, singing to the camera, not dancing and stirring up the hormones of all the guys watching. If you have never seen the movie, rent it and check it out. And definitely check out the video! From 1986, its Live to Tell from Madonna. Enjoy!

William Filmont, funeral director

For my sister Joy, who wanted a story about funerals ??

As Margaret Thomas played the organ slowly and steady, making it almost cry with long drawn out wails of grief and sorrow, William Filmont stood quietly in the back of his funeral parlor with his head down and his hands folded in front of him. This was the easy part of his job. Being a firmly anchored rock of stability in such a grievous and emotional time. Every funeral was a race against the clock. So many decisions to make and not any extra time to make them. Planning a funeral was not anything a person could just say "give me a couple weeks and let me think about it". There were decisions such as the coffin, what the dearly deceased would wear, whether they would get a new, snazzy hair style or keep the one most people were used to seeing them with, religious type of service (if any), where the body would be interred and so on and so on. Add all these quick decisions on top of the grieving process and William really had a tough job. Whenever someone passed away suddenly, unexpected, the planning process did seem to go fairly easy. The family would be in shock for the first week or so, allowing them to get through the planning of the funeral in almost a hypnotic, drugged state, stunned by their recent loss. It was the one's that had been ill for a long time that things could get tricky. If there was more then one child then there would almost always be disagreements about things. Each sibling secretly thinking about what the parent would want, who they would want to speak, the songs played, which hymns would be sang. And no two siblings would ever have the same ideas. Bickering would lead to arguing. Harsh words would be said and if you weren't careful you would have a all out family fight on your hands. That's where William would step in and remind everyone that the recently deceased would hate to think of their children fighting and arguing with each other and how good of a idea it would be if they all agreed to compromise some and each one add their own special touch to the final ceremony. This speech seemed to work most of the time but that hadn't been the case for the funeral that was taking place right now. William had never had a family fight and argue as much as the Stevens family had. Bobby Stevens had passed away at home, sitting in his recliner, right in the middle of Thursday night wrestling. His wife Emma had been in the kitchen cleaning up from dinner when she yelled out to Bobby and asked him if he would come reach up and get something off the top shelf in their pantry. Bobby never answered. Emma hollered again, this time a little louder and slightly agitated. Still, no answer. "Darn you Bobby and that wrestling" Emma shouted as she went storming out to the living room to REALLY persuade Bobby to get up when she froze cold in her tracks. Bobby had his eyes open facing the TV but he weren't watching. Bobby wasn't watching anything. Not in this life anyway. Emma ran out to the kitchen and grabbed the phone off it's cradle and remembered that In Case of a Emergency refrigerator magnet and started calling all the numbers on it. 911, the fire department, the poison center, the national suicide prevention number. Then she started calling the kids. She called Bobby Jr first as he was the oldest. Then his younger brother Caleb. Then the girls. Sue Ellen first, then Jo Ann. Soon the house was swarming with people. Paramedics, the kids, neighbors who had seen the flashing ambulance lights and just had to come see what was going on. Soon the paramedics, in no hurry whatsoever, got Bobby Sr on a stretcher and carried him out to the ambulance, covering his head with a sheet, not sure why they did this but they always did it on TV and the movies so it seemed like the right thing to do. They got Bobby loaded in the ambulance and started making their way to the hospital. Earl, the one driving suggested they stop and get something to eat but his partner Johnny asked him if he thought Bobby's family would mind since they were FOLLOWING the ambulance that was carrying their husband and father. Earl rolled his eyes and said he had forgotten about them. Soon they arrived at the hospital and they got old Bobby unloaded and rolled him back to the morgue. The doctor on call went down to the lobby to meet with the family to explain to them that first thing in the morning they would do a quick autopsy to determine what took Bobby's life then the family could sign for the body and they would hand him over to them. The doctor recommended that they call William Filmont from the Filmont Family Funeral Home unless of course they had someone else in mind, and William or whoever could come over and take the body right from the morgue to the funeral home. "Of course it would be William that they would call, he was the only funeral director in town wasn't he?" Emma asked the doctor, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Of course Miss Stevens" the doctor replied, wanting to add a little more but out of respect didn't.

The next morning Williams phone rang. It was Emma Stevens and she told William about Bobby passing on and would he go retrieve the body from the hospital. "But of course, I would be honored to" William replied. Emma went on to say that they had performed a autopsy last night and said Bobby had died of a massive heart attack. "They said he never even knew what hit him" Emma told William. "Watching two guys beat the tar outta each other one minute, the next minute it was lights out" she said. William said he was so sorry to hear that and he would go over as soon as he could get ready and pick Bobby up and if it was possible the family could meet this afternoon at the room of remembrance at the funeral home. Emma said she couldn't guarantee anything but she would try to have them all there say around 2ish? William said that would be great and he looked forward to seeing them all there.

William had gone to the hospital and signed for the family and brought Bobby over to his place to start preparing him for his entrance into eternity. Bobby laid on a cold steel table as William did his mortician thing. At 1:00 William started getting cleaned up so he would be ready for when the Stevens family arrived and they could make the final arraignments. William put on his plain white dress shirt and a very conservative black tie. He slipped into a pair of casual dress pants. William liked to stay right in the middle when he was meeting with grieving families. If they saw you as too dressed up they felt intimidated and on the flip side of that was dress too casual and the red flags of suspicion would be raised. Like he was someone trying to take advantage of people in their darkest hour. It was a fine line one had to walk. About quarter til 2:00 William heard car doors opening and closing and went to the front door. Sure enough, it was the Stevens family. Emma had rode with her two daughters and Bobby Jr was by himself. The only one missing was Caleb as far as William could tell. "Please, won't you all come in" William said to the family. They thanked William and went inside with him. Emma tells William they can get started without Caleb, it was hard for him to get off work sometimes and he wasn't sure what time he would be here. William tells them that's fine, "lets get started then" and leads them back to the room of remembrance. William asked if any of them would care for something to drink. Water, soda, tea or coffee? No one wants anything so Williams starts off by saying the first thing they need to discuss is the casket. What grade of casket? The eternal home casket, guaranteed to last forever? The rest easy one with a one hundred year warranty or the value choice casket, with a one year guarantee. One with a deluxe mattress or just a basic foam pad. This was when the arguing started. Bobby Jr says that he's been thinking about it and he doesn't want to see his daddy in no coffin. As a matter of fact, he thinks they should bring his dads recliner in and have the funeral with their dad sitting in the recliner looking out at the people in attendance like they were on TV and his daddy was watching his own funeral seeing as how much his dad liked sitting in that old recliner watching TV. And he was pretty sure he could rig up some kind of motor on the back that would slowly raise up and down under the chair to make it look like dad's rocking. William briefly thought, that's not a bad idea, very original, before snapping out of it. He said he didn't think that would go over very well with the people attending and that some people might find it down right morbid or unsettling. "Think about it from other peoples perspective" William told Bobby Jr. You go to the funeral of your good friend or relative and you walk in and he's sitting up in a recliner, rocking at that. Could you imagine the confusion that would cause? I doubt anyone would walk up to pay their respects to someone who's sitting up rocking in front of them. Bobby Jr says its a darn good idea and he's sticking by it. William adds also that he could look into it but he's pretty sure there's a ordinance against burying someone sitting in a La-Z-Boy. Emma speaks up and tells Bobby Jr that that's the dumbest and most asinine thing she has ever heard of and they all can rest assure her husband was going to have a proper burial. Emma tells William that they will go with the value choice casket. The cheaper one that only has the one year guarantee but after it's in the ground who knows if it's holding up or not. Emma said she sure wasn't going to dig poor Bobby up eight months after the funeral and make sure the top hadn't caved in yet. William assures Emma that she has made a good choice and she has chosen the model that about one third of his customers families had chose. The one's who had not planned ahead for this day or had no money left over after the estate was divided up amongst the debt holders. Emma also tells William NO mattress or pad for the very reason that Emma had been complaining about their twenty year old mattress on their bed and how it was killing her back and Bobby had been to cheap to buy them a new one so she was sure he wouldn't mind spending eternity laying on the hard bottom of the coffin. William told Emma there has to be something under the body to raise it up or he would be laying in the bottom of the casket and no one would be able to see him unless they were standing over top of him looking down. Emma says to not worry about it. She has a ton of old blankets and towels she can bring down and they can fill the bottom of it with that stuff. William sighs and says okay. Now, what about his suit. "What about it", asks Emma. William says the suit! "What you want him to wear to be buried in". There's a moment of silence as everyone thinks and Sue Ellen speaks up. "I think Daddy would want to be buried in his duck hunting cameo outfit that me and Brian got him last year for Christmas from the World of Duck Hunting catalog". Jo Ann looks at Sue Ellen and says "What makes you think Daddy would want to be buried in that hideous looking thing when everybody knows he treasured his Dale Jr racing jacket me and Andy bought him for his birthday". "Do you really want to think of daddy knocking on the pearly gates with a camouflage outfit on and blowing on a duck call? Do you think they would let him in looking like that?" Sue Ellen hissed back "I guess you think Gods a NASCAR fan then!" "I can almost assure you he and about the rest of the whole world thinks that's about the dumbest sport ever invented, plus Dale Jr stinks!" This is when Jo Ann slaps Sue Ellen straight across the face and Sue Ellen returned the favor. Soon both girls were hitting and slapping each other. William jumped up and quickly got between the two of them and managed to take a few blows himself before the girls stopped striking out at each other. "What ails you two?" William asked shockingly. "This is a funeral parlor, not a fight club. Emma cackles out in a dry, raspy voice, "Let em go at it! They been fighting ever since they were kids and I reckon they always will." " I will not tolerate fighting in this funeral home" William tells them. "We will get through this and I will separate you all if you force me to do that, understood?" William can't believe he's talking like this to customers but this was definitely a first. "Emma, doesn't Bobby have a nice dress coat we can put on him with a tie so he looks half way respectful?" asked William. "Yes, I suppose he does," Emma answered. Good William tells them. Bring it tomorrow so I can dress him in it when the time comes. Emma agrees to do that. "Now, what type of service do you want?" William asked. Emma says a short one if it's billed at a hourly rate. "No," William replied, starting to get agitated. "I mean what religion, if any, was Bobby and what type of speaker do you want to perform the ceremony?" "Bobby was Methodist so I guess we could ask Rev. Parker to perform the ceremony" Emma says. Good, William thought to himself, we are finally getting some where. Then they discussed whether they would like Hymns sang or music played. Bobby Jr suggested they sing Rock of Ages since his Dad always loved "The Rock" when he wrestled, before he left the sport to make stupid movies that no one watched. Sue Ellen suggested they had nature music play softly in the background since her daddy loved to hunt and be outside so much. Jo Ann of course thought that was dumb and said daddy would maybe have liked for her to sing a couple songs since he always told her she had a good singing voice when she was a little girl and that would make her go around the house singing show tunes and songs from the radio all the time. "Your father was lying" Emma told the girl. "Even when you signed up for chorus at school your father confessed to me he knew you couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, he was just trying to make you think you were good at something since you always got bad grades and didn't have any hobbies or anything". If you would like to try to raise your father from the dead by singing with that hideous voice of yours then by all means sing". Jo Ann turned to her mother, hurt and angry, all at the same time. William quickly interrupted, sensing another fight about to flare up. "We could ask Margaret Thomas to play the organ" William added. Margaret always was ready to play for a funeral. She felt she had a God giving talent to play the organ so she was always willing to play at someones funeral. Most people thought it was more along the lines of a curse from God then a gift but no one really said much. At least not to her. After all, she did see it as her civic duty and it wasn't like playing for someones funeral was the same as performing at Carnegie Hall. So the family agreed to compromise on the music and just ask Margaret to play. William said that she had a standard list of songs she would play and if they had any special requests then to just let her know. The three agreed that whatever she played would suit them just fine. Then for the next two hours they argued about every other decision that had to be made. Where they would bury Bobby. Daytime or nighttime service. What the tombstone would say. Hearst or the back of Bobby Jr's 4x4 truck. If and who would get up to say a few words. Flowers or pictures. Which side of his head would they part his hair. William felt like a referee. He would let them go at it for awhile then step in when things started getting heated and break things up. He thought about going and having a drink when all this was over and he didn't drink. Hadn't had one in twenty years but tonight just might be the night to get reacquainted with a bottle of scotch. Thankfully, they finally got through all the plans and details. They told William that he should be thankful that Caleb hadn't been there because he was the one who REALLY liked to argue his positions. Got it from his daddy. William made his best attempt to smile and said he was sorry he wasn't able to make it today(lie). Soon they all left and William went back to finish his work with Bobby Sr. As William looked down at him William couldn't help but to think that Bobby was REALLY at peace now.


Styles of food include, but not limited to;
Chinese, Japanese, Look what happened to me'ese, Korean, Burmese, Siamese, Pretty Please, Lao Loum, Lao Soung, Vietnamese, Hong Kong, cheech and chong, Macau, Taiwan, Cantonese, Mandarin, Bangladesh, Tibetan, Philippine, Thailand, Cambodian, Singapore, Hunan, and chicken nuggets and french frie for childreen.


Adult Lunch.............................5,99
Child Lunch.............................2,99

Adult Dinner............................8,99
Child Dinner............................5,99